3 Days Chimpanzee Habituation Kibale Safari

3 Days Chimpanzee Habituation Kibale Safari

This 3 Days Chimpanzee Habituation Kibale Safari in Uganda will let you have a full day of excitement with the wild Chimpanzees in the wild forests of Kibale National Park which is referred to as the Primate Capital of the World”.

Day 1: Travel from Kampala westwards to Kibale Forests (5 hours)

Meet with your guide after breakfast at your overnight accommodation, receive a briefing, and travel west of the country ahead to the park.

Enjoy the awesome blend and photogenic scenes of nature via Mubende to Fort Portal on this drive. Lunch will be in the town of Fort Portal and later proceed to the park arriving in the evening, check in your lodge for relaxation.

Accommodation: Primate lodge, Kibale Forest Camp, Rweteera Safari Lodge

3 Days Chimpanzee HabituationDay 2: Participate in the Chimpanzee Habituation experience

Delightful start with breakfast early enough at the lodge, transfer with a packed lunch to the visitor reception area at Kanyanchu where the activity commences.

Remember this is a full-day activity; on this stunning experience, you will accompany the researchers and Habituators as they follow Chimpanzees during their daily activity; getting them used to human presence, see them de-nesting, feeding, copulating, hunting, breastfeeding, resting, patrolling until they build their nests.

This is one of the best experiences you can ever have in the tropical forests in the heart of Africa, you will appreciate the forest diversity as you enjoy the backdrop sounds of nature on this activity. Retreat after the activity in the evening and head back to the lodge for relaxation dinner and overnight.

Day 3: Nature walk in Bigodi and transfer back to Kampala or Entebbe

Enjoy breakfast at the lodge and transfer for a morning nature experience tracking birds and primates in Bigodi wetland; a wildlife corridor to the park. It hosts a variety of wildlife including over 200 bird species, 8 primate species as well as mammals like Bushbucks and the wetland dwelling Sitatunga.

Enjoy the nature walk in a different dimension past the board pathways. Later you will transfer back to Kampala or Entebbe airport for your flight.

End of 3 Days Chimpanzee Habituation Kibale Safari

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